Nayanthara launched her own skincare line. The actress made the announcement on Instagram and revealed that the official sale of the products will happen on the website on September 29. The actress now joins the likes of Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt to have their own products brand.
Her post read, “Today, we are extremely thrilled to reveal six years of relentless effort and love. We’ve poured our hearts into curating products that are as unique as you are, with formulas that are backed by nature and modern science with nanotechnology and designed to elevate your self-care routine.
“Join us on this self love journey and say hello to healthier, glowing skin! We introduce @9SKINOfficial. The labor of Self love you deserve is now brewing to be discovered. Because we believe Self love is all we need.”
This is not the first time the actress has ventured into business. Nayanthara also owns a lip balm company. As of now, the actress has launched a few products and many more to come in the coming days.