Nani’s Dasara is a week away from its release and the hype and buzz around the movie is at an all-time high. The Natural star along with Keerthy Suresh and director Srikanth Odela is busy with movie promotions and the unit is quite confident of the movie appealing to the Telugu audience. Not only the Telugu audience but also film lovers from other industries are also waiting to watch Dasara on big screens.
Since the movie is a pan-India release, Nani is expecting Dasara will create a sensation in Hindi along with Telugu. In Telugu, the movie is already carrying a massive buzz so Nani has placed greater emphasis on movie promotions in the North. He has been doing aggressive promotions continuously for the past few days in Mumbai and other northern regions.
Looking at the freshness of the subject and its interesting treatment, the movie definitely has all the chances to do big in the Hindi market. Dheekshith Shetty, Samuthirakani, Zarina Wahab, Sai Kumar and Rajsekhar Aningi. Dasara will release on March 30th and is set against the backdrop of Singareni coal mines near Ramagundam’s Godavarikhani, Telangana.