If the inside reports are to be believed, Natural Nani will soon join hands with a Tamil director for a bilingual film. The director is Cibi Chakravarthi, who made Don with Siva Karthikeyan as his debut. The film was a massive blockbuster at the box office. The film did not have a great story but regarded as a youthful entertainer with a heart – touching climax.
Cibi Chakravarthi had become one of the very few debutant directors to have scored a big success with their debut film. The ‘Don’ director was also reportedly set to work with Superstar have Rajinikanth for his next film, however, the young director had clarified that there was no truth in the news. As per the latest reports, this young director is in talks for a Tamil Telugu bilingual film with Nani. However, the official announcement on the film is awaited.
Nani’s last theatrical release, Dasara was a massive blockbuster and the film collected more than 100 crores Gross, which is a first film in the actor’s career. He is now busy shooting for his 30th movie, which is directed by debutant Shouryuv. The latest sensational beauty, Mrunal Thakur is the female lead of this film.
Nani recently gave a hint of an update of the film with his social media post. Nani wrote, “Ready? and added a picture that seems to be clicked in a DI theater. Netizens were puzzled thinking is it about a glimpse, or it will be the teaser that the team is planning to release? Although there is no clarity, it is certain that a major update will be forthcoming.
Star actress Shruthi Haasan is doing an important role in this film. Mohan Cherukuri (CVM) and Dr. Vijender Reddy Teegala are producing Nani 30 on a massive scale under the banner of Vyra Entertainments. Hesham Abdul Wahab of Hridayam fame is composing the music.