After releasing back-to-back movies on OTT, Nani will finally be returning to the big screen with Shyam Singha Roy. Rahul Sankirthyan has directed this supernatural thriller and the recently released teaser looked impressive. Nani’s Shyam Singha Roy will release on December 24th and will compete with Varun Tej’s Ghani.
Despite the competition, Nani is quite confident of his film’s output and content. And rightly so, he doesn’t have much to worry about Ghani. As far as the buzz is concerned, Shyam Singha Roy has created greater expectations and positive vibes as compared to Ghani. This is the reason Nani refused to move the release date from December 24th even after Geetha Arts’ request.
However, there is one big problem that is bothering the entire unit of Shyam Singha Roy and that is Pushpa. Pushpa will be releasing just a week before SSR on December 17th. The film still has a lot of shooting portion in balance and there is a possibility that the release date of Pushpa might be postponed by a week on either December 23rd or 24th.
If Pushpa is postponed by a week, then that would be a real concern for Nani as Icon Star Allu Arjun’s Pushpa is carrying way more craze and expectations that Shyam Singha Roy.