Mem Famous, a youth-centric film directed by Sumanth Prabhas started streaming on OTT since last night. The film had created a lot of controversy on social media at the time of theatrical release, as the film’s team gave counters to negative reviews differently by giving lectures to the audience on how to watch a movie and behaving positively on social media.
The team of Mem Famous always projected that they have made a great film at that time and they received many trolls for their overboard behavior. Now with OTT release, more audiences have watched the film, and it is receiving more trolls and everyone who watched the movie has felt that it does not consist of any proper content. The film’s director and team did a lot of over action at the release time, which is why the audiences are giving back them by making trolls on the film.
Chai Bisket films along with Lahari Films, who earlier backed Writer Padmabhushan this year, have bankrolled this project. Mani Aegurla, Mourya Chowdary, and Siri Raasi played other key roles in this flick. Mem Famous has turned out to be a jackpot for the producers with high returns.
Mem Famous team was very much successful in creating a good buzz around their movie with creative and innovative promotions before the release, which had worked well for the film. However, at the same time, they went overboard by not accepting the negative response to their film. Mem Famous is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.