Meenakshi Chaudhary, the young actress who appeared in films like Raviteja’s Khiladi and Adivi Sesh’s HIT 2, is now busy in Tollywood with constant offers. From Mahesh Babu to Vishwak Sen, Varun Tej, and Dulquer Salmaan, this starlet is grabbing all the bigger opportunities that come her way.
It is very well known that she was recently appointed as the second female lead in Mahesh and Trivikram’s Guntur Kaaram, and she had signed up for a new film with young hero Vishwak sen. Now, as per the inside reports, she is in talks for Varun Tej – Palasa director Karuna Kumar’s big budget film, and Venky Atluri- Dulquer Salmaan’s film Lucky Bhaskar, and she could sign up for another few films as well.
Meenakshi has made great strides since being crowned Miss Grand India 2018, and she has certainly set a milestone for girls from her native state. She is a smart individual, has the right attitude, and is extremely talented! After Manushi Chillar (former Miss India), she is the next girl to win the title.
Though her first film with Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja, Khiladi was a failure, she grabbed the eyeballs of the audiences and the industry circles as well, which is why she is now getting busy in Tollywood with bigger opportunities.