Malavika Mohanan, the South Indian actress bags a big opportunity. It is widely known that the actress is currently working with Prabhas in The Raja Saab, and the latest reports suggest that Malavika Mohanan teams up with Mohanlal. This is a big break for Malavika as it can pave the way for more films in Mollywood for her.
Master Heroine with Mohan Lal
Mohanlal, the superstar of Malayalam cinema has signed his next film under Aashirvad Cinemas. Directed by Sathyan Anthikad, the film will be made as a feel-good family subject film, and it is titled Hridaya Poorvam. For this film, Malavika was cast as lead actress in this film. The film shooting will start on 10th February. Malavika Mohanan teams up with Mohanlal, and it is a superb chance for her to rise in her career.
Mohan Lal lines up consecutive films
Coming to Mohan Lal’s films, recently his directional big-budget film Barroz failed miserably at the box office and now it’s streaming on Hotstar. His next film is Empuraan (L2E) which is the second installment in the Lucifer series, and the teaser was out on Republic Day and received a sensational response. L2The E movie will be released in theaters worldwide on March 28, 2025.
Malavika Mohanan is currently busy with good crazy projects like Prabhas’s The Raja Saab, Karthi’s Sardaar 2 and now Mohan Lal’s film will be another crazy film in her lineup.