Mahesh Babu’s dance bit from the Dum Masala song got leaked online. It is widely known that the first song from Superstar Mahesh Babu and Trivikram’s Guntur Kaaram was released recently and opened to a stunning response. Mahesh Babu’s dance bit from the Dum Masala song has been leaked online.
As said above, the fans and audiences received Dum Masala’s song well. Mahesh Babu was shown in a mass avatar, and the song appeared to be a background song with montages. The latest reports stated that the song would change as a few mass dance moves would be added to it instead of just background music and montage shots.
Fans who have enjoyed the song as it is have asked to keep it unchanged. They intended to have it as a background song like the Athadu song. Their disapproval was quite understandable because they did not want it to be like a Bheemla Nayak title song, which was good in audio but ended up as a below-average fare on screen with non-sync dance moves.
However, all the doubts from the fans have been cleared now as Mahesh Babu’s dance bit from the Dum Masala song was leaked online this evening, and Mahesh seems to have performed energetic dance moves in the music. Currently, fans are happily sharing the leaked footage from the song.