Tamil Director, Lokesh Kanagaraj is all set to team up with another Director cum Actor Raghava Lawrence for a film. The film has been titled Benz. Lokesh Kanagaraj wrote the story and also acts as one of the producers for the film. The film will see Raghava Lawrence donning the lead role and Bakkiyaraj Kannan directing it.
Kanagaraj tweeted that he was delighted to be associating with the beloved Lawrence and thanked the team for trusting him as well. He released the first look poster of the film along with this post. The poster depicts the Mask of a soldier with a caption saying that a warrior with a cause is the most dangerous soldier. The other cast members’ details are yet to be out.
This is another form of collaboration of Kanagaraj. He recently played the lead actor role in a song, Inimel. The song also features Shruthi Haasan sharing the screen with him. As a director, he recently announced his upcoming film with Superstar Rajinikanth. The film’s first-look poster has also been released showcasing Rajini as a Gold smuggling Mafia Don. This film tentatively titled #Thalaivar171 will be produced by Sun Pictures with music composed by Anirudh Ravichander.