Lokesh Kanagaraj surpassed Shankar’s position in Telugu as well. It is widely known that this young and talented director has made his own brand within a few years of his career. Lokesh Kanagaraj is unquestionably one of the finest filmmakers in the country today. After just four films, he became a household name in not Only Tamil Cinema but also for entire South Indian Cinema.
In Kollywood, all the leading actors are aware of Lokesh’s skills and his potential as a master’ filmmaker and want to work with him. HIs upcoming film Leo, starring Thalapathy Vijay is ready to be released in theaters on October 19th. With Leo’s unprecedented hype and craze, Lokesh Kanagaraj surpassed Shankar’s position in Telugu as well.
In Tamil, undoubtedly Lokesh Kanagaraj takes no 1 place, and now he is the biggest brand in the Tamil film industry and in Telugu also his brand has grown very bigger, and even he seems to have replaced Director Shankar’s brand. By looking at the craze of Leo in not only A Centers but even in B, C Centers despite having Balakrishna’s movie as a competition, is proving the brand of Lokesh Kanagaraj’s is way bigger.
Previously, Shankar films matched the hype to straight Telugu films, now Lokesh’s films are doing the same. If Leo gets big success, then his brand will even go way bigger for sure. At this time, the present Telugu audiences seem to be getting excited for Lokesh Kanagaraj’s films more than Shankar now.