Nandamuri Balakrishna’s fans and close circles are eagerly waiting for his son Mokshagna’s entry into the film industry. Whenever Balakrishna was asked the same question, he always said it will happen soon. Now suddenly the news of Balayya’s son’s debut has become viral. Because from yesterday, a set of pictures were widely spread in which Mokshagna, who was looking plump a few years ago, has a perfect fit look.
Everyone was so surprised to see such a transformation in Mokshagna’s look. Because he has become so slim. Fans are really loving this new look of their favorite hero’s successor and presently they are happily sharing the pics of him. Now everyone thinks that it is the correct time for Mokshagna to enter into the field.
However, while Nandamuri Mokshagna has suddenly become so thin, some netizens say that he too has undergone weight loss by having liposuction surgery like his brother Junior NTR.
NTR had officially stated that he underwent liposuction to reduce his weight. Mokshagna also faced problems as he looked very fat in the past. There were many remarks about his look as the fans were waiting for his debut, and suddenly, he gave a shock to everyone with his new look and industry circles are buzzing about this issue and saying that like NTR, Mokshagna also underwent liposuction for transformation. Now Mokshagna looks super handsome and ready for his debut.
However, the question of who will direct Mokshagna’s first film has also become the talk of the industry. The names of many directors, including Boyapati Srinu, Krish, have already been surfaced but nothing was officially confirmed. We will have to wait for a few more days to hear the news from Nandamuri Balakrishna.