Indian 2, recent directorial of Shankar has ended up becoming a big disaster at the box office. The film received big negative talk on the opening day itself and failed miserably. The film made its OTT arrival as well recently on Netflix and evoked great trolling on social media platforms as well. Now, some more legal troubles are engripping Indian 2.
Any film needs to arrive on the OTT platform in Hindi Version only after 8 weeks of the theatrical release. But Indian 2’s Hindi version has arrived on the OTT after 4 weeks of the release of the film. This goes against the stipulated rules set by the Multiplexes Association of India (MAI). Now this body is gearing up to issue legal notice to the producers of the film. This added as a new headache to the Indian 2 makers, Lyca Productions.
The film became one of the biggest disasters of Kollywood. Now, it needs to be seen how the makers and Director Shankar try to solve the issue. Shankar also has one more film for release i.e., Game Changer starring Ram Charan. He must also make sure that there are no issues for Game Changer’s release in Hindi market.