Made as an action entertainer, “RDX” the latest Malayalam film, became a massive blockbuster and marked a historic milestone in Malayalam cinema. The film has collected 50 crore gross collections mark at the Kerala Box Office. “RDX” is the second non Mohanlal Malayalam film to achieve this prestigious benchmark. The film is now set to be available for streaming on OTT from tonight.
Releases in August, RDX a small film, turned out to be a big blockbuster in Malayalam Cinema, and it collected close to 85Cr gross worldwide and collected over 50Cr gross in Kerala. After entertaining the audiences in theaters, the movie will be streaming on Netflix from tonight, 12 AM.
The film’s Screenplay was written by Adarsh Sukumaran and Shabazz Rasheed. Directed by Nahas Hidayath, RDX also has Anbariv, who has worked in movies such as ‘KGF,’ ‘Vikram,’ and Beast, as a fight master is the creator of thrilling action sequences in RDX. Babu Antony, Lal, Aima Rosmy Sebastian, Antony Vargheese, Shane Nigam, Neeraj Madhav, Mahima Nambiar, Mala Parvathy, and Baiju are among the stellar cast of the film.
The creative team behind ‘RDX’ comprises editor Chaman Chacko, cinematographer Alex J. Pulikal music composer Sam CS, lyricist Manu Manjith, costume designer Dhanya Balakrishnan, makeup artist Ronex Xavier, art director Joseph Nellikal.