Lal Salaam Box Office Performance Is Highly Disappointing. Despite Rajinikanth’s Strong Presence, the Film Fails to Put Up Good Numbers at the Box Office. The main reason for the film’s failure is the lack of buzz. The team did not promote the film in a big way. The genre of the film also impacted a lot.
Lal Salaam Telugu – Zero Share
In Telugu states, the movie is a complete washout. The movie failed to even recover the rents and publicity for theatre owners. It was a zero-share film in Telugu states, with negligible gross numbers. There is no buzz, and the reports are very poor in Telugu, resulting in an epic disaster.
Lal Salaam Box office
In Tamil, word-of-mouth is better, but the openings are disappointing there too. In Tamil Nadu, the film opens with a 3.6 Cr gross, and there is no jump on day 2, maintaining at the same level. The total 2-day Tamil Nadu gross is in the range of 7.25 Cr, with the ROI gross around 1.6 Cr. In total, the film has collected close to 9 Cr gross in India for two days. The numbers are highly disappointing.
Overseas, the film’s estimated collection for 2 days is around 500K, which is a shocking number for Rajinikanth’s presence film. Rajinikanth is super strong overseas, but even there, the numbers are underwhelming. The total worldwide collection for two days is just in the range of 14.5Cr gross, which is a poor number. Rajinikanth should understand that fans are not expecting messages or documentary films from him. Rajinikanth’s swag and style pull the audiences to theaters. He is putting his stardom at risk by selecting these roles