It looks like Vijay Deverakonda and Samanth starrer Kushi has not recovered from the crash it faced on Monday. Kushi made a solid start on Friday and saw a slight slump due to the India-Pakistan match. The Sunday brought some promise before the film crashed on the weekdays.
Even in Nizam, where the film did comparatively better business saw the movie collapsing after a good weekend. Even getting breakeven looks impossible now. In Andhra, the movie has faced massive losses projected around 40%-50%. While the movie’s performance has been extremely unsatisfactory, Kushi’s makers are working hard to project it as a success through inflated numbers and success meets.
Kushi also stars Murali Sharma, Jayaram, Sachin Khedekar, Saranya Pradeep, and Vennela Kishore in crucial roles. It is a pan-India release with it hitting the screens in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada languages. Fans were eager to catch Vijay in a romantic role after a long time and with Samantha’s presence, there was greater curiosity as to how this pair will look on screen but Shiva Nirvana’s narration and film’s dip in tempo in the second half made the audience feel detached.