Keerthy Suresh is the latest actor to contract the COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 has been on the rise in India again, with cases multiplying day by day. Many actors and technicians from the film industry have come in contact with the virus in the recent past. More than 8 people from the film industry have tested positive for the virus within just a week.
Keerthy Suresh took to her Twitter to inform her fans and well-wishers about her contact with COVID-19. “I have tested positive for the virus, despite taking all the necessary precautions. This is a scary reminder that the virus is spreading rapidly”, she said.
She is not the only actor to test positive for the virus recently. Mahesh Babu, Keerthy Suresh, Trisha Krishnan, Rajendra Prasad, Thaman, and many others have tested positive within a week.
The good news is that she is under the care of doctors and is out of any danger. She also requested everyone who came in close contact with her to get tested for the virus. “Please get vaccinated as soon as possible, I can’t wait to be back soon in action”, she added.
We wish Keerthy Suresh a safe recovery from COVID-19. Please stay safe, wear your masks, and stay at home if you can.