Actress Keerthy Suresh has signed a film for the leading OTT giant, Amazon Prime Video. The film is officially titled Uppu Kappurambu. This is a word from a family Telugu poem. She will star opposite Actor Suhaas to much surprise. This is very interesting news as Suhaas never shared screen space with such a big heroine. The combo surprised many as audiences never thought of watching this combo on screen.
The film will be a satirical comedy based on a fictional village that faces an extraordinary crisis as the cemetery runs out of space. Uproarious chaos ensues as the community rallies together finding inventive solutions to overcome this unusual predicament. Radhika Lavu will be producing the film with Ani. I.V. Sasi directing it.
Many feel that Keerthy Suresh shouldn’t have accepted the film opposite Actor Suhaas. However, it is evident that the actress wants to explore a variety of roles. She once did a cameo in the film, Jaathi Ratnaalu on the same lines. There are others who feel that the film might bring her more accolades. The film as said will not be released in the theatres. It will have its release directly on Prime Video. The news was announced yesterday officially.