Kanguva starring Suriya is the most awaited film in Kollywood. The film is being made on a large scale budget and aimed as a Pan India biggie. The Glimpse and Teaser were released already and met with a positive response from the audiences. Now the makers have released the first lyrical “Fire Song” which offered a mass blast to the viewers.
Suriya is seen singing the song as a part of a ritual. The song is a banger and composed by Devi Sri Prasad. The visuals of the song, as said looked stunning with Suriya’s ferocious screen presence. Lyrics and the vibe of the song also felt powerful. Singers choice of the song too appealed apt for the mood of the song. This Fire Song will definitely take the buzz to the next level.
Suriya is aiming high to give a comeback after consecutive box office failures. His recent films didn’t do well at the box office. But he hopes Kanguva will definitely help him. Kanguva co-stars Bollywood Actor, Bobby Deol playing a pivotal role. Another Bollywood Diva, Disha Patani also plays the female lead role in the film. Directed by Siva, Kanguva will release on 10th October worldwide this year.