Kamal Haasan had a much-deserved victory at the SIIMA Tamil Awards in Dubai on Saturday. The veteran Kollywood star won two awards- one for Best Actor for blockbuster Vikram and the other for Best Singer for Pathala Pathala song from the movie. Vikram brought much needed blockbuster for Kamal Haasan and he was all praise for young director Lokesh Kanagaraj at the event.
Now, Lokesh will also direct another legend from Kollywood- Rajinikanth. Kamal Haasan is elated at this development and expressed his happiness. Speaking about the upcoming Thalaivar 171 which will see Rajini and Lokesh join hands, ‘Ulaganayagan’ said, “People may ask why Lokesh Kanagaraj is doing a film with him..?? The Common Audience has only that much of Clarity. My Fan (Lokesh) doing a film for my Nanbar is a proud thing to me right?”.
“In Kamal50 Event, I Said there’s no Friendship like Rajini and Kamal’s Friendship in the Previous Generation. There will be a competition between us but there won’t be any treachery.. that kind of understanding between us helped us to grow in our career.,” added Kamal Haasan.