Kamal Haasan is facing very big criticism from the Tamil audiences. As a host of Bigg Boss Tamil, he is failing to impress the viewers. The netizens are firing on him for supporting only the female contestants by using the women’s safety card. Not only this, but he has faced the same kind of criticism for many incidents in the ongoing season of Bigg Boss Tamil.
The audience feel that Kamal Hasan is questioning only male contestants on the weekend episodes and targeting only them, while he keeps silent when female contestants make some mistakes. Because of this, Kamal Haasan is facing heavy criticism.
The audience feel that Kamal is not even watching the show and passing the judgements. He is getting a big backlash from netizens for this season and most of them want to replace him as a host.
Recently, Kamal faced backlash from the Tamil audience for contestant Pradeep’s elimination. He was kicked out by his fellow contestants who could not oppose him directly, and they used the red card when they got the chance. The host, Kamal Haasan, evicted Pradeep yesterday after almost all the contestants in the Bigg Boss house reported him as dangerous to women.