Kalyan Ram’s Bimbisara which released on last Friday opened up with good reports and excellent numbers at the Box-office. The film has an extraordinary 1st weekend and has recovered the theatrical business. Exhibitors and distributors are in cheers as it’s been long time since a solid success film for them. Theatrical business is around 15Crs and the film has collected a share of 17Crs. Here’s Kalyan Ram’s Bimbisara 3 Days Worldwide Box-office Collections.
Kalyan Ram’s Bimbisara 3 Days Worldwide Box-office Collections
Nizam | ₹ 5.6 Cr | ₹ -- |
Ceded | ₹ 3.41 Cr | ₹ -- |
Uttarandhra | ₹ 1.95 Cr | ₹ -- |
Guntur | ₹ 1.27 Cr | ₹ -- |
East Godavari | ₹ 1.02 Cr | ₹ -- |
West Godavari | ₹ 0.74 Cr | ₹ -- |
Krishna | ₹ 0.88 Cr | ₹ -- |
Nellore | ₹ 0.49 Cr | ₹ -- |
AP/TS | ₹ 15.36 Cr | ₹ -- |
ROW | ₹ 2.2 Cr | ₹ -- |
Worldwide | ₹ 17.56 Cr | ₹ -- |
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Disclaimer: The box office figures are compiled from various sources. The figures can be approximate and TrackTollywood does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data. However they are adequately indicative of the box-office performance of the film(s).