Kalyan Ram’s Bimbisara continued its terrific run on day 10 as well and pocketed a cool Rs 1.8 crores. This performance is truly applause-worthy because this week saw two new releases in the form of Macherla Niyojakavargam and Karthikeya 2.
After 10 days, Kalyan Ram’s Bimbisara has collected a massive Rs 28.5 crores and is turning out to be a blockbuster for all the parties involved. The theatrical rights for this film were sold at Rs 15 crores and it achieved breakeven in the first week itself.
Now with the blockbuster response to Bimbisara 1, Nandamuri Kalyan Ram has decided to go ahead with part 2. Set in 500 BC, the fantasy action film follows the story of Bimbisara (Kalyan Ram) who is a cruel and power-hungry king who takes extreme measures to suppress any dissent in his kingdom.
The fantasy drama, was released last week to positive reviews and excellent occupancies. Debutant Mallidi Vasisht has directed the film that also stars Catherine Tresa, Samyukhta Menon, and Vivan Bhatena in key roles. Kalyan Ram’s own banner NTR Arts has bankrolled this project with MM Keeravani lending the tunes.