Kalki 2898 AD starring Prabhas has opened to a phenomenal response yesterday. The film was made on a big scale and also starred Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone and Kamal Haasan in pivotal roles. Audiences felt the film was a spectacular watch given its VFX content and theme. Now, Kalki 2898 AD 1st day all versions worldwide Box Office collections are as follows:
In Telugu states, the film opened around to 65 crores gross. Tamil Nadu gross stands at 5.75 crores, Karnataka made a 10.5 crores gross and Kerala did close to 2.8 crores gross. North India gross is reported to be around 26 crores. This would take the total to 110 crores gross nationwide. In the overseas market, the film opened to 60 crores gross. The total worldwide gross is close to 170 crores. This is a phenomenal performance and also the third biggest opening for a film in Indian cinema.
Kalki 2898 AD before release had a big task but it seems with this performance it is going to be easy. The film has to gross a minimum of 800 crores worldwide to become a hit. If all goes well, Kalki 2898 AD may even touch the 1000 crore mark worldwide.