Bhagavanth Kesari is the latest movie of Nandamuri Balakrishna directed by successful director Anil Ravipudi. Kajal Aggarwal is playing the female lead opposite Balayya in the film, while Sree Leela will be playing the senior actor’s daughter role. The film’s shooting is going at a brisk pace, and the unit recently shared a dance video from the sets of the film.
In the video, we can see Kajal Aggarwal and Sree Leela shake their legs for the iconic song of Balakrishna, Chilaka Paccha Koka from Narasimha Naidu. Both the heroines danced with their fullest energy, and it was a treat to the viewers. A few days ago, director Anil Ravipudi and Fight Master danced to the song called Balayya Balayya and the video went viral on the internet.
On the occasion of Balakrishna’s birthday, the makers had released a roaring teaser which gave the audience a peek into the world of Bhagavanth Kesari. As always, Balayya’s screen presence and fight sequences impressed everyone. But, this time, there was a twist, as his costumes and characterization were different with the senior actor sporting a white beard as well.
Thaman’s BGM was very much appreciated, and it is definitely one of the biggest USPs of the teaser, and he continues his great work after Akhanda and Veera Simha Reddy for Balayya movies. After watching the teaser, it looked like Anil Ravipudi had focussed more on the action part, which is Balakrishna’s strength. The film is slated to be released later this year.