Malayalam actor Padma Shri Jayaram acted over 200 movies and was honored with 4 Filmfare awards and 4 state film awards, 2 each from Kerala and Tamilnadu. He made his Telugu debut with the film Bhaagamathie starring Anushka in the title role. Recently he acted in a father character of Allu Arjun in Trivikram’s Ala Vaikuntapuramlo and gave a remarkable performance.
Now, according to the latest sources, Jayaram to be a part of two major projects #NTR30 and #Prabhas20. After Aravinda Sametha, Trivikram and NTR are teaming up again for NTR30.
This projected will be produced under the Haarika and Hassine Creations bannerand co-produced by Kalyan Ram under his home banner NTR Arts. Prabhas20 is being directed by Jil fame Radha Krishna bankrolled by UV Creations.