Shah Rukh Khan has always been one of the biggest stars in the country. He was one of the Pan-Indian stars even before the term ‘Pan-India’ was coined. Just take movies like Chak De, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai for example. Irrespective of where people belong, most people would have seen these movies.
And with Pathaan, SRK’s star status was only cemented further. The movie collected a whopping and honestly unimaginable 1000+ crores. There is no denying that this is mostly due to SRK’s star power. Since Pathaan is by no means a great film, it is a film that worked all thanks to Shah Rukh Khan.
And now with Jawan, it looks like Shah Rukh’s stardom is only going to grow further. Since Jawan is SRK’s collaboration with director Atlee, there will be an additional boost from the Tamil audiences.
So far, there are a lot of promising things happening for Jawan. The film has already done a 250 crore non-theatrical business, that is including digital, satellite, and music rights. And not only this, the film is doing record business theatrically in all areas.
If this trend continues, it is very likely that the film will fetch more than 500 crores to the makers before the release itself. And if the film gets positive talk from the audience, then the sky is the limit for Jawan.