Jailer fame Vinayakan arrested for drunken behavior. In a shocking incident, the actor, who is a notable artist in Malayalam Cinema, was arrested for allegedly creating an unruly atmosphere at a local station with his drunken behavior. Vinayakan and Rajinikanth recently appeared on the screen together in Jailer, just in case you were unaware of the news.
According to reports, Vinayakan allegedly arrived at a local police station and disrupted the station due to his drunken behavior. The actor was arrested by the Ernakulum Police after a police case was filed against him. It was reported that the actor was taken to a hospital for a medical examination.
Vinayakan was first summoned by a local police station for noise complaints in his apartment. An investigation is currently in progress.
After Vinayakan was apprehended, he was brought to the General Hospital for a medical examination. After the medical examination was over, the police gave the go-ahead for Vinayakan to be released on bail.
The police initially summoned the actor to the station because of complaints about noise from his apartment. He continued to cause disturbances upon his arrival at the station.