The renowned Tamil Actor-Producer Suriya is on a roll in his career at the moment. Though he hasn’t delivered commercial success with his previous movie ET, the star has readied another film in the pipeline. According to the reports, Suriya will be joining hands with director TJ Gnanavel yet again after Jai Bhim which won many accolades and awards. The much-acclaimed Combo will collaborate for a film that will go on floors in March year. There have been reports that the post-production works have already going on for the film and it will be produced by Suriya’s own banner 2D Entertainment.
Jai Bhim was released directly on OTT and got critically acclaimed. It impressed everyone from the general audience to the critics. Suriya produced the movie in his own banner, alongside playing the lead role. Jai Bhim is written and directed by T J Gnanavel. The emotional roller coaster ride is inspired by a real case handled by the retired Madras High Court Judge K Chandru.
The film is about a tribal woman, who knocks on the doors of the Madras High Court with the help of a Lawyer to find her missing husband. The film deals with the caste issue, corruption, and misuse of police power that is affecting our criminal justice system. The emotional performances of the main roles impressed the audience.
Not only the audience the movie impressed the jury of the Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival too. Jai Bhim won the Best Feature Film award at the festival. And Manikandan who played the role of a missing husband got the Best Supporting Actor award.
Meanwhile, Suriya has another project in his hands with the director Bala. While there were talks about the rift between the actor and director after that those rumors didn’t make any noise. Now We have to wait and see what story would be Suriya and T J Gnanavel will bring to the audience this time.
Apart from these, Suriya also has a film with Siruthai Siva that will be produced by Studio Green and another film with Sudha Kongara that will be bankrolled once again by his own banner 2D Entertainment.