Venkatesh’s Narappa had to delay its release earlier due to Covid’s second wave. A remake of Dhanush’s 2019 film Asuran, this action thriller was scheduled for a May 14th release. However, now after multiple speculations, the movie has received an official release date. The action drama will now release on July 20th on Amazon Prime
The film also stars Priyamani, Prakash Raj, and Murali Sharma in key roles and follows the story of caste-based discrimination and atrocities on a family. The makers of the film Suresh Productions announced this news on social media.
Incidentally, Suresh Productions’ other remake Drushyam 2 which also stars Venkatesh is also speculated to release on OTT pretty soon.
Suresh Productions recently announced that three of their upcoming films Narappa, Drushyam 2, and Virata Parvam will release on OTT. This decision was taken due to the present pandemic situation. While a number of theatres are opening slowly, the occupancy in them might be an issue hence Suresh Babu took the decision and struck fancy deals for the three films.