Senior actor Mohan Babu has pinned a lot of hopes on his upcoming project ‘Son of India’. The film’s pre-release event was held recently in Hyderabad. Just like the actor’s personal life, the event had its own share of controversial moments.
Meanwhile, Mohan Babu has announced that he will be working on his autobiography now. He added that this book will cover all the situations that he has faced in life so far. The actor further added that he will write only the truth and nothing else.
Interestingly, a few years ago Mohan Babu had released a book. However, that book was a collection of his favorite film dialogues. This biography announcement from the actor comes right after his decision to back out from active politics. He stated that he will spend his time focusing on movies and his educational institutions.
Mohan Babu’s autobiography announcement is sure to evoke a lot of interest and curiosity. The actor is known for his controversial statements in almost all of his public appearances. Now it would be interesting what kind of stories autobiography is going to bring out.