The High Court fined Mansoor Ali Khan in the defamation case against Trisha and Chiranjeevi. It is widely known that Tamil Actor Mansoor Ali Khan made some nasty comments about Trisha, and the actress condemned his remarks. Also, everyone supported Trisha in the South Indian film industry, including Megastar Chiranjeevi. The High Court fined Mansoor Ali Khan in the defamation case against Trisha and Chiranjeevi.
At first, Mansoor Ali Khan hesitated to apologize to Trisha, but later he apologized. However, he filed a defamation case against Trisha, Chiranjeevi, and Khushboo after that. The high court fired on Mansoor Ali Khan and dismissed the case. Now, the court is said to have fined Mansoor 1 lakh for wasting the court’s time on a silly case.
Tamil actor Mansoor Ali Khan, who has filed a defamation suit against Chiranjeevi and Khushboo for supporting Trisha, has been fined heavily by the court. Mansoor Ali Khan recently said that he thought he would have a rape scene with Trisha in Leo but missed the scene. He also expressed his displeasure over the film’s team for not seeing Trisha on the sets in the Kashmir schedule.
Chiranjeevi, Khushboo, and others have criticized Mansoor Ali Khan’s comments and expressed solidarity with Trisha. Following this, Mansoor Ali Khan approached the Madras High Court. He claimed that Chiranjeevi and Khushboo had verbally harassed him. He claimed that his reputation had been tarnished and urged the court to direct both of them to pay Rs 1 crore each.
However, the Madras High Court took a dig at Mansoor Ali Khan’s case. Everyone felt it was not a defamation suit but a trick from Mansoor for publicity. In this order, his petition was dismissed by the High Court. Mansoor Ali Khan has been fined Rs 1 lakh for wasting the valuable time of court. The fine was ordered to be paid to the Adyar Cancer Institute.