It is widely known that the renowned Telugu Actor and once a lead hero, Shivaji has entered the Bigg Boss Telugu 7th Season as a contestant. Shivaji has the best craze among the other contestants in the audience as he is much notable hero to all the audience and it seems he has won people’s hearts with his game in the show and emerged as the top contender to win Bigg Boss Telugu 7.
In this week’s nominations, he is said to be getting more than 50% voting from the audience. As per the unofficial voting, Shivaji’s Percentage is 50% – 55% and the 2nd best voting percentage is at 12 – 15% which tells how strong Shivaji is, and now he is definitely the leading contender to win this season of Bigg Boss.
The original game of Bigg Boss Telugu season 7 has just begun. Shivaji who was one of the confirmed housemates , turned into a normal contestant because of bigg boss’s twist in the last weekend’s episode. As said above, the voting recorded for the other contestants in the nominations along with Shivaji suggests he has a strong voting bank.
Bigg Boss recently took the power of the permanent housemates and gave the captaincy task to all the contestants. At first, total 14 contestants entered the house. With the elimination of Kiran Rathod, Shakeela, Damini and Rathika, there are currently 10 people left in the Bigg Boss house.