Samantha has been away from the screen for a while. While the actress recently wrapped Shaakuntalam with Gunasekhar and is filming for Yashoda and Kushi, she has not been making public appearances like usual. Her absence has given rise to various rumours on health.
Samantha’s Kushi co-starring Vijay Deverakonda’s has come to a halt as the actress wants a few days of recovery time. Similarly, some other shootings or post-production works have also been stopped.
As per the industry sources, the actress is suffering from some skin ailment and she is doing her getting treated in America, Post the treatment, she will resume all her shootings.
The actress has been away from social media for a while and is not active like usual. Once back to India, she will get going with Kushi, Yashoda and other commitments.
Reportedly, she is also making her highly-awaited Bollywood debut soon with Dinesh Vijan’s horror-comedy opposite Ayushmann Khurrana. Samantha will essay princess in the film which is said to be based on a folklore story from Rajasthan.