Mr. Bachchan directed by Tollywood Director Harish Shankar is scheduled for release this August 15th. The film is an official remake of Bollywood hit, Raid starring Ajay Devgan. Mr. Bachchan’s teaser was launched today and a press meet was also conducted by the team where Harish Shankar lectured about remakes and the difficult behind doing it.
Harish Shankar has been in the Telugu film Industry for around 18 years. He began his career with Shock starring Ravi Teja and continued directed many remakes. He scored a blockbuster with Gabbar Singh starring Pawan Kalyan which was a remake of Dabangg. During the press meet, when asked about doing the remakes, Harish Shankar defended himself. He felt that it was difficult to direct remakes than directing original films.
The Director opined that a remake gets compared to an original film and it becomes tough to match the level of the original one. However, this was not received well by the audience as they feel there were many director who remade many films. Harish Shankar assuming that making a remake film was more difficult looks foolish. He may defend himself on his directorial aspects but thinking a remake film as superior work to its original doesn’t hold sense. Harish Shankar must first do an original film to understand how difficult it is to do an original film.