It is widely known that the upcoming big film in the combination of Superstar Mahesh Babu and Trivikram’s Guntur Kaaram has been announced to be released on January 12, 2024, during the Sankranthi season. While the film is getting the shooting done at fast-paced mode, its Telugu States business is expected to close at around 120Cr.
The movie has an excellent craze in the Distributors as the movie is being made with a massive combination of Mahesh Babu and Trivikram, The movie’s distributors have been locked, and the ratios are Nizam Area at 45Cr. The Andhra Ratio is in the range of 60Cr and the Ceeded area is expected to be in the range of 18Cr. Overall, with minor negotiations, the film’s business is expected to close in the range of 120Cr and Worldwide it will be in the range of 155Cr.
The team is gearing up for starting promotional campaign and the 1st single, a melody song, is planning to be released for Dasara festival.
Directed by Trivikram Srinivas, Guntur Kaaram marks the third collaboration between him and Superstar Mahesh Babu after Athadu and Khaleja. The project is being produced under the Haarika and Hassine Creations banner. The film also stars the latest sensational actress Sree Leela and upcoming actress Meenakshi Chaudhary, who will be sharing the screen with Mahesh for the first time. Thaman S is scoring the music for the film.