Director Aishwarya Rajinikanth, daughter of South Superstar Rajinikanth, has lodged a complaint with the Chennai police for the alleged theft of gold from her house. The filmmaker claimed that gold and diamond jewelry worth Rs 3.64 lakhs had been stolen from her house in Chennai. She named two household members and a driver as suspects in her complaint.
In her FIR filed with the Teynampet police, Aishwarya Rajinikanth said she had secured her jewelry in a locker, and it was known to some of the house’s staff. She recalled she had worn her jewelry for the last time in 2019 on her sister’s wedding day.
The director revealed that the jewelry had been stored in a locker ever since. The locker was first kept in the home of her husband at the time, Dhanush, but was then transferred to her apartment in Chennai. She also said that the locker was at her father, Rajinikanth’s house. She disclosed the keys remained with her the whole time.
According to a report, there were 60 gold sovereigns and ancient gold coins in the stolen goods. Additionally, stolen items included diamond necklaces, bracelets and Navratnam sets. She added gold ornaments were worth as much as 3.62 lakhs, but the total value would be much greater.
When it comes to work, Aishwarya Rajinikanth returns to the movie scene after seven years with her directorial, Laal Salaam. Her father, Rajinikanth will appear in a cameo role in the film, which is inspired by communism and cricketing.Vishnu and Vishal Vikrant will play the protagonists in Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s directorial Laal Salaam. They will likely release the movie in April this year.