Game Changer skips Pan-India Promotions. Ram Charan and Shankar’s Game Changer team did not do the required promotions for other languages In Telugu there was a USA event and a pre-release event in Andhra Pradesh which is enough. However, the makers did not arrange any event or even press meet in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka.
Missing a big event in Tamil Nadu will affect the film’s openings. Even in Hindi also the team does not do a big event, and the hero-heroine attended the Bigg Boss show and a small press meet which is definitely not enough for the film to take good openings. Also, the team did not give any interviews in any language which is also a big mistake made by them.
Game Changer skips Pan-India Promotions, and it will certainly impact its openings in other languages. With positive Word of mouth and Sankranthi advantage the numbers will take a turn, but creating the required buzz is also important, which the GC team failed to do.
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