Kalyan Ram’s Bimbisara is now all set to release on OTT platform Zee 5 soon. The movie was released on 5th August and recorded steady collections and great occupancies with every passing day. Bimbisara emerged as the highest grosser of Kalyan Ram’s career and gave director Mallidi Vasisht a massive break in Tollywood.
The audience has been eagerly awaiting Bimbisara’s release on OTT for quite some time. It was expected that Zee 5, which holds the digital rights of the film would stream the movie from Dusshera or by 10th October. However, the OTT giant has now revealed that the fantasy action film will now be streaming on its platform from October 21st.
Set in 500 BC, the fantasy action film follows the story of Bimbisara (Kalyan Ram) who is a cruel and power-hungry king who takes extreme measures to suppress any dissent in his kingdom.
The fantasy drama was released to positive reviews and excellent occupancies right from Day 1 and brought good returns to all involved. Debutant Mallidi Vasisht directed the film that also starred Catherine Tresa, Samyukhta Menon, and Vivan Bhatena in key roles. Kalyan Ram’s own banner NTR Arts has bankrolled this project with MM Keeravani lending the tunes.