OTT platforms are betting high on new content to keep the audience binged. Already there are several OTT platforms are competing to grab the digital rights for any movie. A few months back Tollywood producer Allu Aravind launched his OTT platform exclusively for Telugu content. They have made several web series and bagged Tollywood’s hit film rights. But none of them were successful till now. Allu Aravind has started looking for direct release films on their platform and a film titled “Run” was premiered a few days back on Aha which failed completely. Yet another film “Bhanumathi & Ramakrishna” digital rights were grabbed by Aha which started streaming on Aha from yesterday. This film is getting a good response from the audience as well as from critics. With this film finally, Aha had witnessed success and they are streaming the recent digital hit “Krishna And His Leela” on their platform from today. Not only these but the new creative team at Aha are upcoming with few exciting shows soon. Keep watching this space for more updates.