Fans express dissatisfaction with Ram Charan’s career planning. The Mega Power Star Ram Charan had promised his fans that after RRR, his films would be released continuously without much gap. But he did not start any film after Shankar’s Game Changer. Even though there was a time for him to start a new movie, he did not do it, and that is why fans express dissatisfaction with Ram Charan’s career planning.
It is widely known that Ram Charan and Shankar’s Game Changer shootings do not happen regularly. The fans of Ram Charan are digging into his tweet and expressing dissatisfaction over his planning.
It’s been one year since RC16’s announcement. On November 28, 2022, the film was announced, and at that time, the shooting was expected to start in this year’s early summer, but the movie has not been able to begin shooting till now. Reportedly, RC16 will go on to the sets next summer, making fans frustrated as they feel Ram Charan is not making the right career plans after a sensational blockbuster movie like RRR.
Meanwhile, the movie RC16’s script work is said to be completed, and reportedly, Buchi spent much time on the script. It is said to be made as a rural sports drama (Kabaddi) in the backdrop of the 1980s period. Ram Charan will reportedly essay a double role for this film.