Tiger Nageswara Rao, Ravi Teja’s period-action thriller, is all set to be released on October 20th. Vamsee directed this action-packed movie that narrates the story of a thief from Stuartpuram who had become a local legend for his audacious heists and his knack for outsmarting the police. As Ravi Teja has been actively promoting the pan-India release, his recent comment about Kannada Star Hero Yash in an interview as stirred up controversy and made the Kannada Cinema audiences and Yash fans angry.
Ravi Teja, who played the role of a thief in the film, was asked about one quality he would love to steal from some of his fellow actors during an interaction with Bollywood media. His response to this question has become the topic of heated discussion on social media now.
Ravi Teja mentioned his desire to take the dancing skills of Ram Charan and Thalapathy Vijay, as well as Prabhas’ charismatic personality, and even called him a darling. Ravi Teja stated that he had only seen Rocking star Yash in KGF and stated that Yash was lucky to have had the opportunity to work on a film like that when asked about him.
Yash’s dedicated and massive fan base did not like this comment, and they perceived Ravi Teja’s words as a sign of jealousy towards the former’s remarkable success. The interview clip went viral, triggering a social media scuffle that not only involved Yash and Ravi Teja’s fans but also included Yash’s anti fans.