F3 starring Venkatesh and Varun Tej is slated for release on 27th May this month. The film is carrying good hype with the trailer garnering more than 21 Million views in 10 days. The film’s prequel F2 was the biggest blockbuster for both Venkatesh and Varun Tej. Both didn’t have a proper hit after that and now are eyeing to make it even more big blockbuster. Producer Dil Raju is taking necessary precautions for that. Anil Ravipudi, the director of the film too looks confident and wants to score a blockbuster with the film. The film also stars Tamannaah, Mehreen, Sonal Chauhan, Sunil and Ali in important roles.
The team of F3 is doing massive promotions continuously giving interviews in TV Channels. They are also attending the TV shows and the pre-release event is planned in this weekend. The film has very good craze and with the promotions the buzz is increasing day by day. The film is also expected to open very big in all the territories. Producer Dil Raju is also taking care about the hight ticket prices. He has understood that it is better to have less ticket prices. He has even made a promotional video about the same.