Krishnam Raju’s death has left Tollywood fans and film lovers in grief. The veteran actor left the world for his heavenly abode on 11 September. Earlier today, a condolence meet was held in his village named Mogalturu. At this ceremony, arrangements for about 75,000 to 1 lakh people were made.
Prabhas’ generosity and hospitality in these times of grief have shocked many. He greeted all the fans and arranged the food for almost 1 lakh people today on the occasion of Krishnam Raju gari Samsmarana Sabha.
The items Dhupudu Gorri palav, Royyala Palav, Mutton curry, Netthalu fry, Sandhuva fry, Hyderabadi chicken, etc. were prepared in massive quantities for fans and well-wishers who thronged to Mogalturu for the occasion.
In a career spanning more than five decades, Krishnam Raju featured in more than 180 films. He established himself as the most dynamic and ferocious actor in Tollywood and was particularly known for his great screen presence and intense roles.
The ‘Rebel Star’ made his debut in 1966 in Chilaka Gorinka. He was last seen on the big screen in Prabhas’ Radhe Shyam earlier this year.