On Wednesday, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) issued a summons notice to actor Ranbir Kapoor regarding the Mahadev betting app case. According to an ANI report cited by sources, Kapoor allegedly carried out promotional activities for the app. On October 6, he is required to appear before the ED’s office in Raipur.
ED officials are attempting to determine the date the actor started advertising the app, the amount of money he earned for these promotions, and the payment method.
The investigators are also seeking information on individuals with whom he came into contact for promotional purposes and to verify if any contracts were signed. The app was promoted by other A-list celebrities and sports personalities, who may be summoned later.
The investigating agency provided details in mid-September that Mahadev Online Book Betting app is an umbrella syndicate that arranges online platforms to allow illegal betting websites to enroll new users, create user IDs, and launder money through a layered web of Benami bank accounts.
The UAE is where Mahadev app founders are operating 4-5 similar apps. It is believed that the apps generate a profit of several crores rupees every day. According to the ED, large-scale Hawala operations are being conducted to divert betting proceeds to offshore accounts.