The latest drug case is raising the tension in Tollywood. The Police have stepped up their investigation in the drugs’ case that has created a sensation in the Telugu states. Kabali Telugu producer KP Chowdary, who was caught red-handed in this case, will be taken into custody by the police. He will be questioned for two days to know other details in connection with the drugs case.
KP Chowdary, who produced superstar Rajinikanth’s Kabali in Telugu, was caught supplying drugs by the police. Police now will unearth the links of drugs in the Telugu Film industry through him. As part of this, the court allowed KP Chowdhary to be taken into police custody for two days. Investigation revealed that KP Chowdary was frequently supplying drugs from Goa to Hyderabad.
The Investigation further revealed that he was conducting high-life parties by putting a club as an adda. Reportedly, these parties were attended by film and political personalities. According to the police, KP has close links with Tollywood celebrities as well as south Indian cinema artists.
As part of the case, the police have seized four mobile phones used by KP. It is learned that notices are likely to be issued to the celebrities who have used drugs based on the information given by KP Chowdhary in custody. With this, the tension among the Tollywood celebrities started to begin, as no one knows which star’s name will come out in this case now.