Bigg Boss has been one of India’s most popular reality TV shows. The show’s popularity on the global stage has prompted the makers to create a version in each regional language such as Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, and Malayalam.
The Telugu version is in its sixth season and is being hosted by Nagarjuna for the fourth consecutive time. Bigg Boss Telugu was launched on 4th September and has registered poor ratings, which has become a massive shock to the makers. Here is Bigg Boss Telugu Launch Episode TRPs Season wise:
BiggBossTelugu1 – 16.18 TRP
BiggBossTelugu2 – 15.05
BiggBossTelugu3 – 17.9
BiggBossTelugu4 – 18.5
BiggBossTelugu5 – 15.70
BiggBossTelugu6 – 8.86**
Barring a couple of them, there is a serious lack of big interesting personalities in the show and that might be the reason for such a cold response. Along with this, the launch episode coincided with India vs Pakistan T20 match and makers are expecting the show will pick up in next episodes.