Dil Raju was the producer for Indian 2 when it was initially announced. However, due to some issues, he walked out of the project and Lyca Productions entered but faced some budget issues and a legal tussle with director Shankar. Due to his exit from Indian 2, Dil Raju brought Shankar and Ram Charan combo for Game Changer. After Vikram’s blockbuster success, Indian 2 got on to sets due to the involvement of Udaynidhi Stalin.
Shankar is shooting for Indian 2 and Game Changer parallelly. Indian 2 will be made into two parts because of the huge footage and while Indian 2 has completed its shoot part, Post-production works are happening. Meanwhile, Indian 3 has also completed most of the shoot part. Game Changer shooting is happening currently and it’s expected to be completed by May end or June.
Indian 2 Telugu states rights have been bought by Asian Sunil Narang, Suresh Babu, and NV Prasad. The netizens have been wondering why Dil Raju is not believing in Indian 2 even though he is working with Shnakar for Game Changer. Everyone expected Dil Raju to bag the rights for Indian 2 but he has surprised many by staying away from this Kollywood biggie. Many feel he doesn’t have faith in the subject of Indian 2 and that’s why he walked out first and later didn’t even try for the rights.