Producer Dil Raju is on cloud nine after the blockbuster success of Balagam. The film was made on a small budget but fetched the producer humungous profits and great applause as well. Dil Raju, who is usually associated with big-budget films took a different route with Balagam and it has fetched him great rewards much to everyone’s surprise.
Directed by Venu Yeldandi, this film has won accolades from critics as well as constant love from the audience. The film stars Priyadarshi and Kavya Kalyanram in lead roles and tells the story of a family whose patriarch passes away and the kind of social complications raised due to this unexpected death.
The popularity of the film has reached remote corners of Telangana and recently a few videos surfaced where a whole village was basked in emotions watching Balagam. This community screening has now attracted legal action from Dil Raju.
The producer filed a formal complaint with SP, Nizamabad regarding the matter and said that such screenings will impact the box-office collection of the movie as well as its tie-up with Amazon Prime Video which is the official digital streaming partner of the film. In a letter to the SP, Nizamabad, the producer requested the police to take action and stop such illegal distribution of his content and take action against the ‘antisocial groups’ who organized these free screenings.