Dhanush will be next seen in the Tamil-Telugu bilingual drama ‘Vaathi’ aka ‘Sir’ and the film is slated to hit the big screens on February 17. The Tamil and Telugu trailers of ‘Vaathi’ were released a few days back by the makers, and the interesting trailer raised the expectations for the film.
Now, the latest report suggests that the film has been made very well. The team had arranged a special show of the film for some industry people and the response is unanimously positive. This is the first time that director Venky Atluri has attempted a mass commercial film with a social message.
Meanwhile, ‘Vaathi’ pre-release event will happen in Hyderabad on February 14. Dhanush, who recently visited Hyderabad for the Telugu trailer launch of ‘Vaathi’ aka ‘Sir’, will be once again visiting the city for the pre-release event. Samyuktha Menon, who plays the female lead in ‘Vaathi’, will also attend the pre-release event in Hyderabad along with the film’s director Venky Atluri.
Dhanush fans are hoping ‘Vaathi’ aka ‘Sir’ to be a perfect bilingual hit for their favorite hero, and if the response from the special show turns out to be true, then for sure Dhanush can score another blockbuster like Thiruchitrabalam’ which was released in September 2022.
The film’s story is set in the border region of Tamil Nadu and Telugu states. Reported to be based on school education, ‘Vaathi’ will address an important issue, and it’s going to be a powerful film from Dhanush for sure. The bookings for the film will have opened recently.