A few months ago, a multistarrer project between Dhanush-Nagarjuna was announced much to the joy of Tollywood and Kollywood fans. Shekhar Kammula will direct the film and this project will mark second film for the Kollywood star with a Telugu director after “Vaathi/Sir” directed by Venky Atluri.
The film was first announced with Dhanush and later makers felt the project needed another star to play a crucial role. “Who better than our very own ‘King’ to light up the screen with his charisma”. They made the announcement today on the occasion of Nagarjuna’s birthday.
Rashmika is playing the lead role in this project, billed to be a political entertainer. At the moment, the team is busy with pre-production works and a special set is being constructed for the film in Hyderabad. Later, the team will move to other South Indian cities for the next schedule. The film’s shoot will start in February 2024 and the movie will be released in theatres in 2025
This epic Dhanush-Nagarjuna project is being produced grandly by Suniel Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao, with the blessings of Shri Narayan Das K Narang, under their banner Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP (A Unit Of Asian Group), in association with Amigos Creations Pvt Ltd. Sonali Narang presents the movie.